people signed from 100 countries

Global Commitment to Zero Waste for

The World Our Common Home
Recognising the need to promote the efficient use of finite resources, reduce and eliminate waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse, among others, in order to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,
Acknowledging the strong link between sustainable waste management, resource efficiency and climate change,
We commit ourselves to implement sustainable waste management practices,
We pledge to promote the zero waste approach worldwide and share best practices for its wider recognition and application,
Moreover, we pledge to support initiatives, campaigns, programs, projects and activities that promote zero waste in order to encourage a responsible waste production and consumption,
We commit to sharing the best practices and lessons learned from projects such as Zero Waste Project of Türkiye, encouraging the development of similar policies on waste management,
We call for UN Member States, UN System entities, and members of the civil society, private sector, media, as well as local authorities to align strategies,approaches and programmatic responses to help accelerate a global transition to circular economy and reduce the adverse impact of waste on climate change.

About Us

Global Commitment to Zero Waste is an initiative realised in accordance with Türkiye's sustainable development and environmental protection goals under the leadership of First Lady Emine Erdoğan. This commitment was created with the intent of protecting the environment, minimising waste and enabling recycling processes.
Global Commitment to Zero Waste aims to raise waste management awareness among individuals, organisations and society in general. In this respect, various training programmes and awareness campaigns are organised in order to prevent waste, use resources efficiently and adopt environment-friendly lifestyles.
The main mission of our initiative is to leave a cleaner and more habitable world for future generations. In line with this goal, by establishing local and international collaborations, we ensure that zero waste principles reach larger masses. Additionally, we organise a variety of projects and events to inform and encourage the community and aim to spread the best practices in waste management.
Global Commitment to Zero Waste is designed as a movement that everyone can contribute to. By implementing sustainability principles in our homes, workplaces and every section of society, we can contribute to the protection of nature. We attach great importance to everyone's support and participation on our path so as to leave a more habitable world for future generations.


First Signers

Recep Tayyip  Erdoğan
Recep Tayyip  Erdoğan
President of the  Republic of Türkiye
Emine Erdoğan
Emine Erdoğan
Spouse of the President of the Republic of Türkiye
Antonio Guterres
António Guterres
Secretary-General of the United Nations

First Ladies

Armanda  Begaj
Armanda Begaj
First Lady of the Republic of Albania
Angeline  Ndayishimiye
Angeline  Ndayishimiye
First Lady of Burundi
Brigitte  Macron
Brigitte Macron
First Lady of the French Republic
Moza  Bint Nasser
Moza Bint Nasser
Mother of the Amir of the State of Qatar
Sibel Tatar
Sibel Tatar
First Lady of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
Lis Cuesta Peraza
Lis Cuesta Peraza
Spouse of the President of the Republic of Cuba
Sajidha Mohamed
Sajidha Mohamed
First Lady of the Maldives
Isaura Gonçalo Ferrao Nyusi
Isaura Gonçalo Ferrao Nyusi
First Lady of the Republic of Mozambique
Marième  Faye Sall
Marième Faye Sall
First Lady of the Republic of Senegal
Fatima  Maada Bio
Fatima Maada Bio
First Lady of the Republic of Sierra Leone
Olena Zelenska
Olena Zelenska
First  Lady of Ukraine
Le Thi Bich Tran
Oluremi Tinubu
First Lady, Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
Le Thi Bich Tran
Milena Milatovic
Spouse of the President of Montenegro
Mehriban  Aliyeva
Mehriban Aliyeva
First Lady of the Republic of Azerbaijan, First Vice President of the Republic of  Azerbaijan
Maria de  Lourdes Alcívar Crespo
Maria de Lourdes Alcívar Crespo
First Lady of the Republic of Ecuador
Fatoumatta  Bah-Barrow
Fatoumatta Bah-Barrow
First Lady of the Republic of the Gambia
Ambari Daroueche Azali
Ambari Daroueche Azali
Spouse of the President of the Republic of Paraguay
Zerrin Üstel
Zerrin Üstel
Spouse of Prime Minister of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
Andra Apine-Levite
Andra Apine-Levite
Former First Lady of Latvia Mrs Andra Levite
Tunku Hajah Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah
Tunku Hajah Azizah Aminah Maimunah Iskandariah
Her Majesty Raja Permaisuri Agong
Ziroat Mirziyoyeva
Ziroat Mirziyoyeva
Spouse of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Linda Ramkalawan
Linda Ramkalawan
First Lady of the Republic of Seychelles
Jane Yumiko Ittogi
Jane Yumiko Ittogi
Spouse of President of the Republic of Singapore
Le Thi Bich Tran
Le Thi Bich Tran
Spouse  of the Prime Minister of Vietnam
Le Thi Bich Tran
Prindon Sadriu
First Gentleman of the President of the Republic of Kosovo
Sabina  Komšic
Sabina Komšic
Spouse of the Chairperson of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Sirje  Karis
Sirje Karis
Spouse of the President of the Republic of Estonia
Sabina  Higgins
Sabina Higgins
Spouse of the President of Ireland
Kim Keon-hee
Kim Keon-hee
Spouse of the President of Republic of Korea
Elena Kovachevska
Elena Kovachevska
Spouse of the Prime Minister of the Republic of North Macedonia
Anikó Lévai
Anikó Lévai
Spouse of the Prime Minister of Hungary
Lydia Abela
Lydia Abela
Doctor, Spouse of the Prime Minister of Malta
Silvana  López Moreira Abdo
Silvana López Moreira Abdo
Former Spouse of the President of the Republic of Paraguay
Tamara Vucic
Tamara Vucic
Spouse of the President of the Republic of Serbia
Mellisa  Santokhi Seenacherry
Mellisa Santokhi Seenacherry
First  Lady of the Republic of Suriname
Auxillia Mnangagwa
Auxillia Mnangagwa
Doctor,  First Lady of the Republic of Zimbabwe
Le Thi Bich Tran
Mirela Becirovic
Spouse of the Chairperson of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Auxillia Mnangagwa
Lucrecia Peinado
First Lady of the the Republic of Guatemala

United Nations and other Senior Directors

Inger Andersen
Inger Andersen
Under-Secretary-General  of the United Nations and Executive Director of the United Nations  Environment Programme
Selwin Charles Hart
Selwin Charles Hart
Under-Secretary-General  foSpecial  Adviser to the Secretary-General on Climate Action and Just Transitionr Policy
Maimunah Mohd Sharif
Maimunah Mohd Sharif
Under-Secretary-General  of the United Nations and Executive Director of the United Nations Human  Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT)
Catherine Russell
Catherine Russell
Executive  Director of the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund  (UNICEF)
Jean Todt
Jean Todt
United  Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety
Jean Todt
Achim Steiner
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Administrator

Advisory Board Members

José Manuel Moller
José Manuel Moller
Deputy Chairperson, Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Algramo
Guy Bernard Ryder
Guy Bernard Ryder
Under-Secretary-General for Policy, Executive Office of the Secretary-General (EOSG)
Carlos Silva Filho
Carlos Silva Filho
President, International Solid Waste Association (ISWA)
Prof. Saleem Ali
Prof. Saleem Ali
Professor, Energy and Environment, University of Delaware, and Honorary Professor, Sustainable Resources Development, University of Queensland
 Emine Erdoğan
Emine Erdoğan
First Lady of the Republic of Türkiye, Chairperson of United Nations Secretary General’s Advisory Board of Eminent Persons on Zero Waste
Melissa Santokhi-Seenacherry
Melissa Santokhi-Seenacherry
First Lady of Suriname
Laura Reyes
Laura Reyes
Executive Director, CEMPRE (Compromiso Empresarial para el Reciclaje
Hakima el Haité
Hakima el Haité
Founder, EauGlobe
Vijay Jagannathan
Vijay Jagannathan
Secretary-General, CityNet Asia Pacific
Prof. Muhammad Yunus
Prof. Muhammad Yunus
Head of the Interim Government of Bangladesh, Co-founder and Chairman, Yunus Environment Hub
Fatima Maada Bio
Fatima Maada Bio
First Lady of Sierra Leone
Lara van Druten
Lara van Druten
Chief Executive Officer, The Waste Transformers
Gino Van Begin
Gino Van Begin
Secretary-General, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability


Comprehensive Applications

Integration of zero waste management systems into all sectors and furthering the development of practices.

The integration of innovative solutions and the renewal of waste management technologies.

Awards and Recognition

Incentivising municipalities, institutions, and individuals that exhibit success in zero waste initiatives.

Enhancement of the project's recognition at the national and international levels and being deemed worthy of a variety of awards.

Establishment of the Zero Waste Foundation.

Increasing Community Participation

Conveyance of zero waste initiatives to all members of society through collaboration with non-governmental organisations and local communities.

Organisation of environmental cleansing and recycling activities through voluntary participation.

International Collaborations

Collaboration with the United Nations and other international organisations to promote zero waste initiatives on a global scale.

Promotion of zero waste practices on a globalscale through international conferences and seminars.

Legal Regulations

Incorporation of zero waste principles into a legal framework and establishment of pertinent legal arrangements.

Mandating zero waste practices and the implementation of audit mechanisms.

Proliferation and Training

Implementation of training programmes to promote zero waste awareness in educational institutions, universities, and schools.

Promotion of zero waste initiatives at the local level in collaboration with municipalities.

Corporate Practices

Implementation of zero waste management systems in public institutions.

Realisation of first recycling and waste minimisation projects.

Inception and Launch

Launch of the Zero Waste initiative under the leadership of First Lady Emine Erdoğan.

 Introduction of the initiative to the public and launch of awareness campaigns.

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